Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm behind in recording the days!!!

So I am behind in posting some of the acts of service for the days. I am having a hard time remembering specific things, since I'm trying to just be more helpful and thoughtful. But I am having so much fun. I am hoping it will become more habitual, and I will always try to take advantage of those opportunities.

DAY 5: I bought a sushi roll for a friend because he was having a bad day.

DAY 6: I took out the trash, and did the apartments dishes.

DAY 7: I made muffins for all of us for our adventure! A tasty snack for the car ride! I volunteered to be the one to get our free chips and salsa from the bar, and I carried some of Cherie's luggage to the hotel room, so she wasn't weighed down with all of it.

DAY 8: I helped direct a man from the gym at our hotel to the main lobby. And I showed another guy where the spare towels were at the gym.

DAY 9: I bought breakfast for us when I was adventuring around our hotel.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 4

So I'm really loving this service goal! But I'm needing to get more creative in ways to serve.

Let's see... yesterday... Day 4 I bought my friends movie ticket for him since he was running late... and I ran a few errands for the ladies at work. Nothing too big, but I still had fun with it.

So if any of you have any good ideas on fun ways to serve... please send them my way!

P.S. There's really no reason for me to put that random picture in this post, but I don't like to post without a picture. (That picture is one I took on my mission... in Ayr whilst I was on a train.)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mosiah 2:17

So I have been inspired by my friend Kristi Toponce, and also by the movie Julie & Julia. She sets a year goal, and achieves it. And me, being ADD, find it really hard to set and achieve longer goals, so I have set out on a goal for the next year!

Kristi set the goal to do an act of service everyday for a year, and so far she has done it, and I have no doubt she will succeed. She's just that awesome. And since I can't think of anything more awesome than that, that's what I am going to do. At least one act of service a day!

I started this on Saturday March 13th 2010. Day One was simple, I took someones shift at the massage school. I thought that was a good act of service!

Day Two was pretty dull, but I took out the trash.

Day Three (today) I bought my friend a frosty, cuz she was having a hard time. But the day isn't done yet, so I hope to do something more!

*** Oh if you have any ideas of other ideas for a year long goal, please share!

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Small Things

It is slightly ridiculous how much better you can feel about yourself when you get a good hair cut.

Now if I could only learn how to style my hair like that on my own!