Saturday, October 16, 2010

Next Update!

So... once I arrived in England I thought it would be a simple thing to find housing. I soon learned I was wrong. Monday morning we went into town to do a few things, and then we took a train to Whitstable since we decided we would like to live in a village if we could. Well we soon learned that it was really hard to find housing as students. There was a new legislation that said that owners had to file a petition of some sort to let/rent to students, and there is an issue if you have more than three people who are unrelated. Also they refused to have shared rooms. Plus the smaller villages (Whitstable and Herne Bay) really don't like having students in the villages.

I've never wanted to love a village so much and then felt so disheartened upon leaving it. Whitstable was so perfect, and yet it just wasn't meant to be.

Then on Tuesday we decided to go to all the letting/renting agencies in Canterbury. Kathleen was our lucky one that day. She got us in the door for several "maybes" and at the end of the day we didn't feel quite so let down as we had the day before.

That Wednesday we had to leave our hotel room, it was getting way too expensive to stay there. One of the ward members had a tent we could stay in, in his garden/backyard. So we went to the housing office on campus and the did a few letting agencies and had our first viewing from the letting agency. That place didn't look right, but we had faith we would get a home. And we were excited to camp out for a few nights, and save some money.

Thursday was our miracle day. We went back to the housing office on campus and they told us of a new place opening up in Chilham, and that it might be perfect for us. That afternoon we got a hold of Emma (our landlady) and we able to come view the place that afternoon. WE FELL IN LOVE WITH IT, and the rest is history. We got to move in the next day, and it has been the house of requirement* ever since.

(We call it the house of requirement because it's like the room of requirement from Harry Potter, it seems to have everything we need, even down to the details. It's awesome.)

Our hotel room was a bit crowded... for people to a bed. We ended up sleeping the opposite way. We were able to fit then... Jesse on the end, Kathleen next to him, me and then Annie... it was really crowded!

This isn't a great picture, but it gives you an idea of the HUGE tent we got to live in for 2 days!

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