Wednesday, May 11, 2011

TV's Time Wasting Capability

So another term is finished; I turned in my giant essays and can now breathe easy again. So what did I decide to do... veg. (Well yesterday, my first free day, I cleaned and did 8 loads of laundry, but today... nothing!)

This here is a list of all the TV I have watched just today:

2 Episodes of "Bones" (Season Six)

2 Episodes of "24" (Season Two)

2 Episodes of the mini series "Cranford" (with Annie)

the pilot of a new TV show called "The Breakout Kings"

THEN I watched 2 more episodes of 24 with the rest of the gang, and now I am in bed watching the second episode of "The Breakout Kings" currently.

What a day!


Naomi said...

You bum.

Liz said...

That's my girl! When you're gonna work, work, and when you're gonna veg, VEG!

Michael said...

Hey Jaggers head!
We are taking Sammy down to enroll @ Ol'e Miss on the 18th of June.

Poly-sci; maybe CIA or FBI, go figure.

Call sometime you BUM!

Uncle Mike.