Monday, July 27, 2009

The Power of Art

So this season of So You Think you Can Dance has been wonderful. I have thoroughly enjoyed quite a few numbers, and I find that I want to share it with all of you. I know that most of you enjoy art in it's many forms, and realize the power and gift of art. I am so grateful to be able to appreciate it's many wonders.

This seasons dances have been some of my most favorite. This post is dedicated to Melissa and Ade's dance this week that was choreographed by Tyce. It is absolutely incredible and left me in tears. I am so glad that they danced it. It needed a woman who carried maturity, and trust in her partner. And it needed Ade's strength and gentle personality. It truly was inspiring.


Liz said...

I couldn't believe how much I cried. I couldn't stop.

I think sometimes, there's an honesty required of powerful art that transcends technique and creativity. If you were able to separate Melissa and Ade's dance into those's really not that incredible as far as technique goes. But it was danced with such honesty, and from a place of such beauty and trust, that it becomes something larger than anything we could create on our own.

Jaggers Brain said...

I was in awe of the dance. And I was so happy it was the two of them.... they have the trust already. And I love that it was more than just a "dance" it was a performance with characters, and I love love loved it. I am not sure that anyone else could have carried off that dance.