Monday, December 14, 2009

I heart Patrice!

Patrice came down and visited this weekend! It was fantastic. I forgot how much I love that crazy girl. She can make me laugh like no other. In honor of her visit we had to visit Pirate Island, and we were lucky enough to get the secret Pirate Cave! It was so exciting. And hilarious. Dinner was eventful since we had Patrice, Cherie, Erika, Christian, Cindi (Cherie's sister), Missy (Christian's girlfriend/love), and me all in one location! It was awesome.

I really like this picture of Patrice it's oddly attractive... I can't really pinpoint why.. .but I really liked it!

Patrice is trying to learn the art of shakeface but caught a fit of the giggles instead. Thus why this picture is so awesome, and so very Patrice.

The giggle fit continues in all it's beauty, and in all it's Patrice-y-ness.

Christian and Missy decided to show us all how the art of shakeface is done! They are so perfect for each other. Love it!

Our cave was so awesome it had hidden booty and Chandeliers... it was quite posh for this pirate establishment!

Christian got transformed into Helga the Viking! And his scarf made very impressive boobies!

When the balloon guy came in we knew that we had to get the girl viking hat for Christian.

Christian is just enjoying all the treasure/booty in the cave!

This is a mid action shot. Patrice was holding her sword in her mouth like a true pirate, but of course I had to catch the moment as it fell out and chaos ensues.

Okay I absolutely love this picture! Cherie is all limbs and Patrice is all torso... it's so funny. When Cherie sits down she is so much shorter than Patrice, but when she stands she is taller! I love the two of them together. So awesome!

This weekend really reminded me how blessed I am to have such fantastic friends. That we can be apart for long lengths of time, and yet when we get back together it is like no time had lapsed at all. It's so fantastic! I really am grateful to be blessed to have so many fantastic friends!


Kjersti said...

Is she still in town? I would love to see all of you!

Jaggers Brain said...

I wish she was, but it was a really quick weekend trip, and we didn't really know she was coming until the day before she got here. Dang her spontaneous nature.... we all need to hang out!

K + J said...

This looks like so much fun! So good to see pics of Christian and Cherie! And that looks like a great restaurant!

Fitz said...

I miss Pat-a-trice! She needs to become a yank!