Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Years Eve Throw Down

I was lucky enough to spend New Years Eve with some of my very best friends. Ella, Beckah and I drove up to visit the Thorsons for New Years. It was a fantastic reunion of friends, but never again will I drive that much! I will fly to see them. So New Years Eve we went out to sushi and then came home to chill and wait for the count down. Well Beckah and Jesse decided to make their own fun, and I got to catch it on film (and by film I mean pictures.) Here is the evidence!

Introducing Beckah "Crazy Eyes" Whittaker who is challenging Jesse "Stink Face" Thorson. *Commence the fighting music in the background.*

I was laughing so hard I nearly peed my pants! Got some amazing pictures. Good heavens I love my friends!


Liz said...

This is the most beautiful series of pictures I have ever seen.

Beckah said...

I am SO glad you put these up! I love you! And I agree. Next time we fly.

Fitz said...

I love that Kathleen is in the background just continuing cooking, not even taking notice. I don't the driving was that bad, it was just huge amount of driving to one day of non-driving that sucked. If we do it again it should probably be a longer trip.