Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm behind in recording the days!!!

So I am behind in posting some of the acts of service for the days. I am having a hard time remembering specific things, since I'm trying to just be more helpful and thoughtful. But I am having so much fun. I am hoping it will become more habitual, and I will always try to take advantage of those opportunities.

DAY 5: I bought a sushi roll for a friend because he was having a bad day.

DAY 6: I took out the trash, and did the apartments dishes.

DAY 7: I made muffins for all of us for our adventure! A tasty snack for the car ride! I volunteered to be the one to get our free chips and salsa from the bar, and I carried some of Cherie's luggage to the hotel room, so she wasn't weighed down with all of it.

DAY 8: I helped direct a man from the gym at our hotel to the main lobby. And I showed another guy where the spare towels were at the gym.

DAY 9: I bought breakfast for us when I was adventuring around our hotel.

1 comment:

SamieeDee said...

Now Swear-A.... doing a good deed for someone is not necessarily BUYING them something. I saw a reoccuring theme in your entries that your good deed was purchasing something for someone.

Now I enjoy free Sh!% as much as the next gal friday... however, a good deed is simply giving someone a hug when they are sad... calling a friend you know is going through a tough time or just to talk OR hell..... smiling a co-worker you would rather kick in the junk!!