Monday, March 15, 2010

Mosiah 2:17

So I have been inspired by my friend Kristi Toponce, and also by the movie Julie & Julia. She sets a year goal, and achieves it. And me, being ADD, find it really hard to set and achieve longer goals, so I have set out on a goal for the next year!

Kristi set the goal to do an act of service everyday for a year, and so far she has done it, and I have no doubt she will succeed. She's just that awesome. And since I can't think of anything more awesome than that, that's what I am going to do. At least one act of service a day!

I started this on Saturday March 13th 2010. Day One was simple, I took someones shift at the massage school. I thought that was a good act of service!

Day Two was pretty dull, but I took out the trash.

Day Three (today) I bought my friend a frosty, cuz she was having a hard time. But the day isn't done yet, so I hope to do something more!

*** Oh if you have any ideas of other ideas for a year long goal, please share!

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