Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February: Week 2

Day 41: Monday February 10, 2014- Went on a lovely walk/hike with some friendies around the Lafayette Reservoir!  It was wonderful, and quite a workout!

Day 42: Tuesday February 11, 2014- Cleaned up the loft at my parents house to prepare for their move, and came across my phone from England. I loved this thing and the random worm game on it.  I still can't believe I kept the phone but forgot the charger in Chilham... hahahaha!

Day 43: Wednesday February 12, 2014- Had a work meeting where the major issue we were told we would discuss was working with different generations.  Instead all they did was pass out paperwork for us to read for the new year.  (Not really the picture I wanted to post but I forgot to take a picture of Jessica's birthday dinner! Or the new game Heidi Doxey got me addicted to... flow.)

Day 44: Thursday February 13, 2014- So I have tried very hard this week to not go out to eat as much, and to not consume so much soda.  I have to say I was way more successful at work!  I drank a whole lot of water and water with the crystal light packets in in.  I need to make it a habit to bring my own healthier food to work.

Day 45: Friday February 14, 2014- HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! What do you think of my bling?  My friend Maria from work made me an awesome getting ready for Valentines kit... which included my amazing ring.  It is just what I've always wanted. =)

Day 46: Saturday February 15, 2014- Pink sock day at work!  Maria, Marissa, and Missy wore the socks I got them for Valentines Day, so we had to take a picture of it! (I just happened to wear my comfy pink socks to keep my toes warm.)

Day 47: Sunday February 16, 2014- Great way to keep my grumpy self from others... Truffles... Top Gear... Flow... not a bad night.

Day 48: Monday February 17, 2014- I got my hairs did... and I LOVE IT!

This next week should be exciting! I'm going on vacation! (But I chose Utah in February... not sure that was the smartest move.)     =)


Fitz said...

Your hairs look very pretty! Have fun in Utah my love!

Mackenzie said...

Your hair looks gorgeous. Wish I could see it in person.