Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Attitude of Gratitude

I haven't blogged here in awhile, and I am not sure why. The past few weeks have been really great, and really difficult; but what has helped me stay positive is realizing and remembering just how lucky I am. So I'm stealing an idea from Kathleen, and I'm going to blog about what I am grateful for.

First I have to say that I am grateful for my testimony in the gospel of Jesus Christ; that truly has been my rock and my foundation. I need to make sure I do not forget all I have been blessed with because of that testimony, and the joy/peace that comes with it.

I am also grateful for my wonderful family. I have been blessed to have an incredibly thoughtful and supportive family. They have helped me become the woman I am today. I know that their examples of love, kindness, honor, and trust have have lovingly guided me along the right path.

I also feel a great sense of gratitude for my friends. I feel so lucky to have friends that make me feel loved and supported. Whether I see them every day, or haven't seen them in years, I still feel connected to them, and their influence in my life. I don't know where I would be without the example of those with whom I am blessed to call friends.

I am grateful for this adventure I call life. I get to live in England for a year; I get to further my education, and also further my friendships with three of my very best friends/family. (Kathleen, Annie, and Jesse) I also get to participate in the wonderful Canterbury ward. (Where I am also making some incredible friends.)

I am full of gratitude at the moment and can't find words to express it. I truly hope your Thanksgiving has been as memorable as my own. God bless. Know that you are in my thoughts, and that you have made an imprint on and in my heart.


Michael said...

you do not really care about your familt since I have not heard a word from you in months.

Heh heh heh!

Jaggers Brain said...

I feel like I have kept up with the family through my parents, and facebook. But you are right. I have been a negligent neice, and I really will try to work harder on keeping up communication.