Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week 3

Another week of laughter, friends, work, and grumbles.  All in all... pretty good!

Day 15: January 15th, 2014- I was not smart... I jogged for 2.5 miles and then did the elliptical for 1.5 miles, in my newer running shoes... when I forgot socks.  It is no wonder that once I got home... I found several blisters on my feet.... yikes!


Day 16: January 16th, 2014- Tonight I was craving queso... and was too sore to work out very much, so I joined my friend Aubrey at On the Border... and oh was it wonderful!  Love me the queso!

Day 17: January 17th, 2014- Today was a more difficult day at work, and so I had to give in to the McDonalds temptation, and enjoy a large Dr. Pepper and fries!  (The day after I found this gem.)
Day 18: January 18th, 2014- Had a great day today, end of a busy work week, spent some time at Aubrey's with her cats... then had a lovely evening with friends, and then had to end the night taking a large dose of benedryl! (Cat allergy)

Day 19: January 19th, 2014- SHERLOCK IS BACK!!!!!!  (That is all)

Day 20: January 20th, 2014- Today was a grand adventure... I donated blood... adventured in an Asian market Aubrey and I found, and then had a fan-fricken-tastic dinner with friends.

I think I am ready to tackle the next week... I can't wait to see what adventures will take place this week!  ***One thing... I need to stop eating out... I didn't realize I had such a problem... but it is getting to be a bit much!***

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I don't think you should stop eating. Completely at least. ;) I love you adventures!