Friday, January 31, 2014

January...Nailed it!

So this year I have planned to do 12 one month challenges.  January's was to do 31 miles in 31 days.  I was able to check that off today at 5:20pm. 

I actually did it; and it has really helped me get in the habit of going to the gym right after work, and walking with friends on days that I didn't want to go to the gym. 

To help keep that habit up February will be 30 day plank challenge (and yes I realize there are not 30 days in February... it will bleed slightly into March)

***Yay for reaching goals.  I have a bad habit of making goals and then not following seeing those goals reached.  So this year is about mini (short term) goals, and hopefully I will be more successful!***

1 comment:

SamieeDee said...

Wow! Swera! This is amazing. I too have been going to the gym, although I didn't have a goal like this in mind. Maybe I should. Fantastic idea.