Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Count of 2011

My love of books and most media was renewed this year. I read 54 books, saw 16 plays and 68 movies, and ran 70 miles. (I was hoping for way more miles, but I just got too lazy.)

Some of the books that really got me thinking, or that were just plain awesome were:
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows, Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult, The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins, How I Paid For College: A Novel Of Sex, Theft, Friendship & Musical Theater and Attack Of The Theater People by Marc Acito.

The movies I loved the most fell into a few categories: 1. BBC stuff: Cranford, Jane Eyre (2004), Under The Greenwood Tree, and North & South. 2. Documentaries: Stephen Fry In America, Waiting On Superman, Pixar, and American The Story Of Us. 3. New Releases: Sherlock Holmes 2, True Grit, The Muppet Movie, Captain America, and Fast Five. 3. TV Series: Outnumbered, Breakout Kings, and Spooks.

Okay, so after reviewing this... I realise I love movies, TV, books, and plays too much! Gulp!


James Best said...

I really enjoyed that Jane Eyre. The one with Michael Fassbender, right?

I read Jane Eyre for the first time this year. Awesome.

And I agree on all those movies except for Fast Five. Because I did not see it. And I can't vouch for something as much as Vin Diesel wants me to.

Jaggers Brain said...

I saw 2 Jane Eyre's this past year. The 2011 one with Michael Fassbender was good, but the one I LOVED was the 2004 one with Toby Stephens (Maggie Smith'son.) I also love the book Jane is one of my most favorites.

Fast Five is fantastic, and I think Vin is right, you need to see it!

A said...

I'm now into Spooks, too. I watch Richard Armitage (sigh) on KCET and the beginning with Matthew MacFadyen and Keeley Hawes on Netflix.

The top of my Netflix instant queue is like this: 1. 24 2. Blackadder 3. MI-5 4. A Bit of Fry and Laurie 5. The Cosby Show. I'm a British TV junkie (my instant view netflix is only part of the story). Have you seen Blackadder? The best is season 3.

I also LOVE that Jane Eyre--the miniseries with Ruth Wilson and Toby Jones, right?

Also, have you seen the new Mission Impossible? If you haven't, you should. I highly recommend it.

Jaggers Brain said...

Allisoni... I was a little skeptical of the new Mission Impossible, but I have to say that the supporting cast looks great. So I'll have to check that out.

As for Black Adder, I've seen some, but I can't remember which season... I'll look more into it on NetFlix.

Lizzie said... cultured well read thing! oh i wish i could keep my eyes awake long enough to get reading some books again....or finish a movie for that matter! get there again. x
ps heard rubbish reviews on mission impossible, prob wouldn't waste $10 on it and wait for dvd instead! of course everyone to their own! haha

Lizzie said...

And who ever A is who is a british tv junkie....has she tried Only fools and horses? fave comedy growing up is all......