Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Long Term Goal

Okay so at work my friend Samiee and I always come across crazy stuff on the Internet, and a few days ago she sent me this link:

and honestly I can't get this out of my head. I just think it's such an awesome idea, and a way to really document your life, and your adventures. I was inspired by what Jamie Livingston did. It's simple and yet profound, and told a beautiful story. Now I don't have a Polaroid camera, but I do have a digital camera, and I think I can take a picture a day. Part of me wants to do this because I am horrible at my journal writing, and part of me wants to try because I'm not sure I can ever stick with a goal long term. So I'm going to give it a go!

I started yesterday, so here is my picture for 8/4/2010.

We had thunder showers all night, with some awesome lightening, and I wanted to try and get a cool picture of that, but I was stuck in my apartment. When I went to go outside there was an army of snails outside my door blocking any type of escape, so this was the coolest picture I could get.

I'm going to post these one a day pictures on a blog I have with my friend Samiee. So if you would like to look at them the blog is


Liz said...

It's a pretty gorgeous picture anyway.

This really is such an awesome idea! I'm intrigued by the unique method of story-telling.

A said...

I've heard of people doing this. Your doing it makes me want to do it. Of course, your year in pictures is going to be dominated by pictures of England! ;-P