Friday, May 29, 2009

The Adventure That Is My Life!

Okay so this week has been pretty dang funny! Well really it's been the last 48 hours. Alright so on Tuesday I get a text whilst at work. Now before you judge me I usually don't have my phone out at work. But I was especially bored, and it was in my pocket. Well, the text was from Cherie... informing me that her sister-in-law Malae tested positive for Swine Flu, and now is being isolated, but anyone who has had contact with her for the past few days needs to go get tested. So, to make a long story a bit shorter, Cherie came and got me from work (my bosses wanted me to go get tested right then) and we went to the Urgent Care, and got tested. Now I was thinking this was going to be a harmless blood test or a little swab to the back of the throat... no.. I was sorely mistaken. The have a giant Q-Tip and shove it up your nose into your sinus cavity. This was really really awkward and uncomfortable. To make the story better they had Cherie and I in the same room and did the test at the same time, so we had to share in the horror. But to our relief, about 10 minutes later the Dr came in and said we didn't have Swine Flu or Influenza Type A or B. So yeah no Swine Flu!

And then last night I got to test drive the bike that will hopefully be mine by next week. A Honda Shadow Aero 750! Oh it was a beautiful bike, and it rode so nicely. I was in heaven and had a hard time giving the bike back to it's present owner.

Keep your fingers crossed, the bank should let me know if my financing was approved!!!!

Oh and on a bit of fun news! Cherie posted one of her commercials she made for a film competition, and I got to be in it, so it's way fun! I'll try to post the link to it.

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