Friday, May 15, 2009

Season Finale's

So there seems to be a death and sickness overload on most, if not all, of my favorite TV shows. This week held most of the season finale's I was interested in.

Starting the week off was House MD. Now I haven't been faithfully watching the show, but I thought I was still in the know about what was going on... but boy was I wrong.... Somehow... in the end House ended up in a mental institution. WHAT???? What happened. But on a good note Cameron and Chase got married... and that makes me happy, but they are such background characters, that it just felt like fluff. Plus I am sure it had to be kind of awkward for the actors, who were at one time engaged in real life, to have their characters marry. It kind of made me giggle.

Then on Tuesday it was the Biggest Loser Finale! Yippee!!! I love that show... but holy crap.... 3 hours for a season finale. That is just cruel! I was surprised to see that Helen won... I was kind of hoping for the lady in green ( I think her name is Julie) since she had won the most challenges and continually lost bigger numbers. But oh well, I guess they are all winners. And I was so proud of the older gentleman (I think his name is Jerry) for totally beating all of those younger players!!! Yeah! And he was only on the ranch for 2 weeks!

I absolutely love that show... it is such an inspiration to me... and helps me see that I have no excuse for not losing my chubby extra pounds!

Next came Grey's Anatomy! Now I missed the first half an hour because I was at the riding school. So instead of watching Bones I chose Grey's Anatomy, because I figured I could still keep up with the drama of Grey's, and I totally didn't want to miss a second of Bones.

Well Grey's Anatomy was AWESOME!!! It was so packed with drama, and love and death.... I was completely satisfied with the season. Now whether or Izzy and George are dead... that was never fully answered. But wow... what an awesome finale. This show just keeps dragging me back. I know... it's ridiculous... but I love it. And I am attached to most of the characters. So yeah... I was pleased, and excited for the upcoming season.

But now I have saved the best for last. BONES IS MY FAVORITE SHOW ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love it. It is so well written and always seems to grow and develop in and intelligent way.

Now this episode really was for the fans. They brought back all of our favorite characters, and played the emotions we wanted to feel without being unfaithful to the characters that we love. And the final explanation is brilliant. The writers have so much they can go on for the next season. My only plea is this BRING ZACH BACK FOR GOOD. I really don't want to give away more of this... so please please watch it if you haven't seen it yet .

And since all of my favorite shows are now on their summer break, I can start watching my favorite summer show... SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE (dance, dance). I am kind of sad that most of my friends that are as into it as me are far far away... but I am hoping we can still have discussions and talks on our favorites.

So yeah I'm pumped.

But all I have to ask is... why always end shows with death and sickness... why can't we ever have happy cliffhangers... like in season two of bones when you think Hodgins and Angela have eloped. Why can't we have more of that?

1 comment:

Liz said...

HOUSE BLEW MY BRAINS!!! The last SEVERAL episodes actually. Of your list, that's the only show I've been watching. But I'm so stoked for dance dance dance dance show!