Friday, May 22, 2009

Loves... New an Old

Alright... so I am in love with a new show on Fox. It's called Glee. It is the funniest new show I have seen in a long time. I just watched the pilot episode yesterday and it made me miss all my theater friends. The ones from High School, the ones from College. I think this is one show that anyone who loves the arts, or the funny stereotypes of high school will enjoy!

And now for one of my older favorites, that I just forgot until now!!!! Cat Deeley!!!! I forgot how much I love her! And the show. I am so excited for this season. Each season seems to be getting better and better, but I don't know if I can love this season as much as I loved the last. It would be hard to top. But I'm excited that the new choreographers from last season are also back. Like Sonja, and Tabitha & Napoleon. They are the best!

PS THEY ARE DOING A SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE SEASON IN THE FALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Auditions are now. So all of you dancers that I know should audition!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I spent last night before I fell asleep thinking about how much I adore Cat Deeley. =) 'Member when she put Twitch's glasses on and his gold teeth in? I had to work so I couldn't watch the first episode of SYTYCD but I plan on catching it online this long weekend. And I dig Glee too! Kind of against my will. =) My roomates were watching the pilot episode when I came home the other night, so I joined them and loved it. Beckah texted me later that night to tell me she watched this show called "Glee" and liked it and thought I would too. =) I love it.