Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Turning over a new leaf!

So recently I have been getting some huge smacks on the side of the head from the Lord. To try and get me on track... and like me... it is taking me forever to realize it.

These past 5 months have been very straining and full of trials. But I have not been the most pliable in the Lord's hands. I have made this harder than it needs to be, by being overly stubborn and not following promptings or doing those things that I know will lead me to the answer, or to the solution. Mainly because I knew what the solution was going to be, and I didn't like it.

Sorry for being very vague and not explaining very well, but I promise I am getting to the point. So as many of you know I am in love with reading right now, and one of my co-workers had me read "Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea" by Chelsea Handler. She is a fantastic comedian with a wonderfully funny outlook on life. And this book can be vulgar, and not very politically correct, but I love it. I laughed the entire way through, and then realized at the end that I could learn something from this book. She laughs at everything that happens in her life, good and bad, and I can try to do the same.

Now this weekend I had one of the most spiritual scripture studies I have had since my mission. And it really was a wake up call. I reviewed one of my favorite quotes from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf in which he says "You could be upset about it, but you are now obligated to be." And I took that as a motto on my mission, which helped me immensely, but for some reason I forgot it as soon as I needed it here in normal daily life.

These next few months will be difficult, getting myself financially back on track, and budgeting, and saving, and being frugal, but I know that this is what I need to do, and I know that I will be a better person for following that plan. Will it be the most fun... no... will it be the most adventurous... no... does that kind of drive me insane... yeah. But I need to do it, so that my life can be full of adventures and randomness, and not debt.

Life is always full of up's and down's, and I am constantly learning and re-learning life lessons. Usually re-learning them. But recently, even though times really haven't improved much, I have just been enjoying the ride. Enjoying being in the rough patches, the good times, and the not so good times. I am really happy that I can choose how I feel, and how affected I will be by my circumstances and surroundings. I just hope I can continue to remember this motto, because I feel more me, and more the way I should be, when I am following it.

I am not sure that this makes any sense, but I feel a lot better by writing it down and sharing it with the people I love.

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