Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I need your opinions!!! Help!

Okay so it has been a dream of mine, for as long as I can remember, to own a motorcycle and be licenced. And I have signed up for classes so that by the end of the month I should be licenced. So that is covered, but here is the big question... which bike to get. I don't want to get one that is too big for me, or to slow. And that seems to be an issue. I want one that will be able to go on the freeway, and not go too slow. So here is what I need from you. I am going to show pictures of the options, and I want your opinion on what you think is best. (It doesn't matter if you don't know anything about motorcycles... I still want your opinion.)

Option #1
VStar Classic 650

It's very pretty, pricey, and bulky, so I think this one is a no... but I think it's pretty. My thing is that it has a smaller engine than the S40, but is bigger, so I'm not sure which is better.

Option #2

The Honda Shadow Spirit. It's a 750cc, so has the engine capacity, but it's a bit bulky and weighty, so I'm not sure I would be comfortable with it for a bit, but I think it's pretty. So it's an option.

Option #3

Suzuki S50

It is a little pricey at $7100, but has a smaller frame, and is lighter than the others of it's power. It's an 800cc, but I am not too impressed with the body. I think it's starting to look like a crotch rocket, which I don't like, but it's an option.

So here is option #4

This is a suzuki Boulevard S40. It is the smallest frame, and yet it is still a 650cc, so it will be ready for the highway. And it is the cheapest, at $4700. So that makes me happy, I am just afraid I will be too big for the bike... well, I will test drive with my Dad, and I see what he says.
Okay so after writing about all of them I think I like the S40 the best, but please tell me what you think!!!!


maynardmoments said...

uuummmmm....I have no clue what to tell you. Go with the last one, the color is cool. You crack me up!

Liz said...

Ha ha before I even read further, I thought "Honda Shadow" or "Suzuki Boulevard." =) I think the Shadow's pretty and kinda more classic-looking, but based on your post, my vote is with the Boulevard. That's what Jordan has (except his is bigger, 800 cc's, which is just about as big as it can get without him looking ridiculous). I think if Jordan can handle his bigger Boulevard, you should be good with the S40. (And that's not saying anything about you being big enough, that's saying something about Jordan being small enough.) I am so excited for you to be licensed! I've been riding Bertha around for a month or so and am quickly reconsidering owning a bike of my own someday. I wish I could find something small enough to be super-easy to handle like Bertha but that wouldn't top out at like 40 mph like Bertha. What was Jesse's little baby Suzuki bike?

Jaggers Brain said...

Jesse's baby was a yamaha 250 i believe.

I would tell you to get an S40. I really think you could handle it, and it's a 650cc, so it still has power, and it's a smaller frame! Oh how I love bikes.

My dad is so excited for me to get licensed! Yeah!!!

Jaggers Brain said...

Okay so Liz, this is my dream bike... but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to afford it. Ha ha ha!364243419!-2002164679&locale=en_US#/model/fxdl